We rebuilt Jones Park!
Say hello to Candace Pickens Memorial Park!
After five days of herculean work involving over 1000 volunteers, five semi-trucks of mulch, miles of boards, thousands of screws, and hours of smiles, the Asheville community built a new park that generations of kids will enjoy. We thank everyone who helped out with these efforts and we look forward to seeing you at the park!
The park is now open for play! Come on by!
Make candace pickens memorial park an official city park!
Despite a commitment to maintain Candace Pickens Memorial Park for 20 years or the lift of the equipment, the City of Asheville has not made Candace Pickens Memorial Park an official City of Asheville Park. Despite maintaining numerous other parks on non City of Asheville property and a modest cost to maintain the park at $1500/year, the Department of Parks and Recreation does not consider Candace Pickens Memorial Park a city park. For the thousand+ volunteers who helped to build this park, for the community who rallied to save it and for Candace's family and legacy, we ask that the City of Asheville commit to making this park and official city park. To not do so makes this a temporary park and a temporary legacy for Candace. We are asking city leaders to to commit to making this park a permanent memorial to Candace as an official City of Asheville park. If you feel the same, please email our City Council and Parks Department Leaders:
City Council: AshevilleNCCouncil@ashevillenc.gov
Asheville Parks and Recreation Director D. Tyrell McGirt: dtmcgirt@ashevillenc.gov